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Can You Dream Big in Green?

Good Morning! Sorry about the sparse posting this weekend. I am in Connecticut for the weekend and trying to stay off the computer! I wanted to let you in on my weekend dilemma...

Kevin and I are off to Costco today to stock our house up with cheap bulk items. The question that comes to mind is if it's bulk and not earth or animal friendly is it ok?

I know how much more environmentally friendly bulk items are, but what guns am I sticking to today? I plan on buying a 50 pack of toilet paper and paper towels, but that means I will be ditching my great Seventh Generation and Green Forest for months!

When it comes to food is it best to buy items in bulk but forgo the organic brands I have come to love? We'll see, I did have a dream that I would walk in and see my Seventh Generation paper towels in packs of 20, bulk containers of whole wheat flour, organic apples and ethically responsible meat. A girl can dream can't she?


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