"During the grazing season, the cows are moved to fresh pastures every day, following an agriculture system called Management Intensive Grazing. The model for this practice are wild buffalo, which roam in close groupings and are pressured into moving onto fresh grazing land by predators. After a paddock [area of land] has been used for grazing, it is allowed to recover for two to four weeks, thus restoring the grass and eliminating erosion through a cycle of fertilization (manure) and recovery. This rotational grazing protects the roots of the grass and boosts fertility of the soil."
-Author: Patsy Jamieson (EatingWell magazine)
Kevin and I are off for a date night, grass fed burgers are on the menu and it's what I'll be enjoying tonight! When cows are grass fed their entire lives they are often healthy enough to NEVER need antibiotics, and if that's not reason enough grass fed beef is lower in fat and calories! Umm, ya I'm in.
1 comment:
Great subject! Everyone has a different opinion on what tastes better and no-one is wrong.
I grew up on a small beef farm in Michigan. Small, meaning about 20 - 50 head per season on about 50 acres. All our cows were primarily grass fed and we supplemented their diet with both hay and grain. (not straight corn, but a blend of various grains) Anyway, the reason for the mixed diet was simple: the cows would die in the winter if they did not have some fat on them.
Now that I have lived in Florida for about 20 years, I have learned that most Floridian cows are 100% grass fed...hence them looking so anorexic! True, the steak on the plate may contain less fat. BUT, less fat means something else, too: they got more exercise so there's alot more muscle. Muscle is not tender.
I would take a mixed diet steak over a grass-fed steak any day of the week. Hamburger...no difference because it's ground up.
So...what's better? My answer: DEPENDS ON WHERE THE COWS LIVE. A conglomerate's feedlot is no comparison to a small Michigan farm, just as a small Florida farm is no comparison to a good sized Wisconsin farm, etc.
What's healthier for the human consumer? Naturally, less fat. However, consider this: there are more e-coli bacterias found in cows with a pure grass-fed diet. Reason: no control over what exactly they are eating...(wild animal feces, decaying flesh, etc.) They could have 50 stomachs and it wouldn't matter, if they keep eating the same thing.
Well, that's my small-town farm-girl opinion. Thanks, I enjoy your site.
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