Winterize your home or apartment this weekend, use that extra hour to get some stuff done!
Pull out your winter gear from last year, close up those drafty windows with sealer and lay down that rug to keep you extra toasty this season. Be eco-concious and don't leave the heat on when you leave the house, keep extra warm socks, blankets and sweaters handy to keep you warm instead of turning up the heat...
Oh ya, and VOTE on Tuesday!!!
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Eco Links: Ghost & Goblin Style
I've been reading lots of great articles lately, here's my favorite Halloween related tidbits and stories...
The Sugar sites put together a great collection of Eco-Halloween tips:
A greener pumpkin? Why yes:
And finally, an ode to Vampires, well electricity sucking ones that is:
The Sugar sites put together a great collection of Eco-Halloween tips:
A greener pumpkin? Why yes:
And finally, an ode to Vampires, well electricity sucking ones that is:
I Heart SKN

SKN was the amazing creation of Jennifer Stevenson & Christopher Degregorio. The bags are designed to withstand up to 40 lbs, allowing you to get all you need instead of imagining your cloth straps breaking away on your walk home. The bags are sturdy and can stand up on their own, even while folding flat for easy storing.

Plastic bags don't biodegrade, they simply break down into smaller toxic pieces. This we know, and hopefully by now we know how important it is to take the step to not only purchase reusable shopping bags, but to use them! Sometimes we've gotta treat ourselves to a canvas bag so nice that we can't wait to use it! The organic cotton version retails for less than $35 and is worth every penny, since it's cute enough to use in your every day life, not just for groceries.
If SKN hasn't won you over yet, a tree is planted through American Forests for each purchase. I adore when companies take the initiative to do good in this world, I find it rubs off on the rest of us.
1 SKN bag replaces about 330 plastic bags per year.
1 tree absorbs 1.33 tons of CO2 per 100yrs.
SKN totes are available in Tomato, Asparagus, Lemon, Blueberry and Carrot. As holidays approach you bet I am making note of this one.
9 Reasons To Go Local

1. Food tastes better! It's newer and fresher!
2. Science says it's better for you, nutrients are lost over time, so the quicker it gets from farm to table the more nutrients are retained
3. It's safer, hopefully. Local farms are held more accountable because of their size, their names really do mean everything to them
4. Local food supports local farms and their families. The amount of traditional farmers in this country has dropped drastically and we've gotta get them back working the land! We don't want machines doing everything do we?
5. Local food builds your community spirit, you are aware of your actions and their impact
6. The more you support local farms, the more farm land will be preserved from being paved over.
7. Local food supports the environment by keeping fuel usage down for example
8. Supporting local farms is like investing in your future and the future of your community. By ensuring your local farms maintain their business against bigger, more machine driven farms.
9. Local farms sell to many places, but the most obvious is your local farmer's market! It's so meaningful buying directly from the farmer, they make more money by dealing with their consumers directly, they cut down on fuel, and like shouting I CARE ABOUT MY FOOD FUTURE to the world!
Support Local Farmers!
So, if you don't remember where you voted in the last election, you've moved or you're voting for the first time and are already registered but aren't sure where to go, I found a great and simple site to find out. You enter your zip code and street address, easy peasy!
Now, get to it!
Now, get to it!
Farmer's Market/Long Island
5 More Ways To Save Green
The economic situation doesn't seem to be ending any time soon, that being said Urban Branches is bringing you 5 more ways to start saving some green:
1. Bring your lunch to work! A little effort can go a long way to not only save cash, but utilize leftovers and other goodies you've got at home!
2. Grow your own herbs instead of shelling out for basil, thyme and rosemary
3. Stock up on fruit now before the prices skyrockets due to the cold setting in (prices may be high already, but if you can freeze bags of blueberries, strawberries and raspberries for winter treats!)
4. Invest in better bedding and blankets to keep you warm this winter instead of turning the heat up!
5. VOTE it's our chance to speak out and choose a president who has OUR future in mind, not those 1% of the population making millions....need I say more?
1. Bring your lunch to work! A little effort can go a long way to not only save cash, but utilize leftovers and other goodies you've got at home!
2. Grow your own herbs instead of shelling out for basil, thyme and rosemary
3. Stock up on fruit now before the prices skyrockets due to the cold setting in (prices may be high already, but if you can freeze bags of blueberries, strawberries and raspberries for winter treats!)
4. Invest in better bedding and blankets to keep you warm this winter instead of turning the heat up!
5. VOTE it's our chance to speak out and choose a president who has OUR future in mind, not those 1% of the population making millions....need I say more?
DIY: Almond-Oat Bars
I found a great recipe in Health magazine that's just delicious and thought I'd share it! I made a batch today, the lovely scent is filling my home as we speak as it cooks in the oven....
Almond-Oat Bars
1 1/2 cups regular oats
1/4 cup sliced almonds (roughly chopped)
1/2 almond meal (you can use the processor to make this from almonds if you can't find pre-done)
1/2 cup whole wheat flour
3/4 packed brown sugar
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup European style fat free plain yogurt
1/4 honey (dark if you can)
1/2 cup cubed peeled gala or fuji apples
1. Pre-heat oven to 350 and toast 3/4 cup of oats (the rest you can set aside) *lay out on a piece of parchment paper
2. In a food processor add remaining oats (3/4 cup) and almond meal, mix until fine
3. In a large bowl combine: remaining oats, almond meal, wheat flour, brown sugar, backing powder, cinnamon & salt
4. In a small bow combine: honey, yogurt & peeled/cubed apples
5. Combine all ingredients (including toasted oats)
6. Place mixture onto parchment paper and form into rectangle with your hands
7. Cut into small rectangles with knife (don't pull apart, just make the cut lines)
8. Place in oven for approx 20-25 minutes or until nicely browned
9. Let cool and serve up!
*can be stored in an airtight container for up to 3-4 days
Here's some nutritional info about this snack: fat 4 grams, protein 4 grams, fiber 2 grams, iron 1 mg, calcium 45 mg, sodium 45 mg.
An Eco-Mama Weekend

This week I am doing an activity! Think of something or somewhere to do/go with or without your little precious. Go out and view a work of art or building, etc made from resourceful/recycled materials. I am going to go to the American Folk Art Museum this weekend with Siena and I am excited to view the exhibit: Recycling and resourcefulness: Quilts of the 1930's.
the focus of these quilts: "ones which were made during the Depression era by thrifty women who reused clothing, flour and feed sacks, and other recycled fabrics to create "new" bedcovers in a variety of vibrant patterns."
I have been planning and thinking about starting a handmade quilt for Siena. It will probably take until next winter for me to finish, but I'm ok with that. I want to really pick the pieces of fabric from recycled clothing, table cloths and sheets. I have pieces of fabric and unfinished doll clothes from when I was a wee one that I would like to pass on to her through this quilt.
I think that being aware of the objects we place in space is important. I wish everyone thought about the soil and the water, but buildings and materials are good to consider too. ( all the new condos is Brooklyn that are made of cinder blocks and STYROFOAM! what the heck right?)
There is a restaurant in Williamsburg Brooklyn that is just beginning construction. Great you think, just what we need, another restaurant...but this one is going all out and claiming to be the "first green-ly built" because they are going all LEEDS certified for their building materials. And although Urban Rustic followed that very closely, they didn't go through the lengthy certification process. Expensive, time consuming etc...its like a farmer who really does grow organically, but is running a small place and can't afford the USDA you know the right info, you may just be supporting green places after all!
My dream home would be built from all recycled lumber, slate, glass and steel...sigh.
so happy viewing my eco friends!
as always, keep in touch, and do one eco thing a day
~Your Brooklyn eco mama
GUS stands for?

We had 4 flavors, Dry Cola, Dry Cranberry Lime, Extra Dry Ginger Ale and of course Dry Meyer Lemon (it's my namesake after all). The Ginger Ale was the runaway favorite and apparently there was bartering and hiding going on all weekend long at each house of the Ginger Ale!
GUS comes in other flavors too, including: Dry Pomegranate, Star Ruby Grapefruit, Dry Valencia Orange and Dry Crimson Grape. Yum! GUS has no caffeine or preservatives. They are 100% natural and are made using only natural juices an extracts. They are sweet, but not too much, they use only sugar cane. No HFCS for GUS!

Define: Certified Organic

We've all see the label 'Certified Organic' label on our products, they usually lead us purchase them don't they! But what does it mean exactly?
Certified Organic must follow the rules!
*Produce grown without the use of herbicides and pesticides
*No genetic modification
*No sewage sludge fertilization (pe-eww!)
*Farmers are required to conserve soil quality
*Use of non-toxic pest management
All those are great things, support organic lines! But remember small farms often can't afford the certification process but are running farms that follow all of those rules, sometimes more! So investigate your local farms and support them as well. Know what you are buying, purchase is power!
Daily Eco
Plan a local meal this week. Use items that are locally sourced, ask your grocery store what comes locally if you're not sure! If your town has a farmer's market, take the opportunity to create a dish around what is available there. It may be hard, but it will open your eyes and help you understand really how far your food travels. 1500 miles on average!
Farmer's Market
Grass Fed Is Where Its At
"During the grazing season, the cows are moved to fresh pastures every day, following an agriculture system called Management Intensive Grazing. The model for this practice are wild buffalo, which roam in close groupings and are pressured into moving onto fresh grazing land by predators. After a paddock [area of land] has been used for grazing, it is allowed to recover for two to four weeks, thus restoring the grass and eliminating erosion through a cycle of fertilization (manure) and recovery. This rotational grazing protects the roots of the grass and boosts fertility of the soil."
-Author: Patsy Jamieson (EatingWell magazine)
Kevin and I are off for a date night, grass fed burgers are on the menu and it's what I'll be enjoying tonight! When cows are grass fed their entire lives they are often healthy enough to NEVER need antibiotics, and if that's not reason enough grass fed beef is lower in fat and calories! Umm, ya I'm in.
Save Some Green: 5 More Ways
Hey, here are 5 more ways to save some green in this insane economic time!
1. Sell your unwanted items (clothing, bags, housewares etc) on ebay for a profit. Ebay is super easy to use and all you need is a few minutes to list! I've sold a ton of things I no longer wanted on Ebay and can' t speak more highly of how easy it is! By doing this you're giving something you were going to toss new life and making some cash! Yes donating is always the better choice, but this way you're helping yourself financially too!
2. Exchange your old bottles for change, look up a place to do this in your neighborhood, some grocery stores have those machines. This is a great project for kids too, let them keep the coins and they'll learn multiple lessons about waste, recycling and earning money.
3. Got a gift to give? Bake instead!
4. Have cocktail night at your place instead of going out, make organic vodka cosmos for your friends and enjoy the drinks barefoot!
5. Buy your books from used bookstores, and donate back to them! Books are one of those easy to justify costs I think, but if you can reduce the cost of books, read used copies, you're saving green and paper!
1. Sell your unwanted items (clothing, bags, housewares etc) on ebay for a profit. Ebay is super easy to use and all you need is a few minutes to list! I've sold a ton of things I no longer wanted on Ebay and can' t speak more highly of how easy it is! By doing this you're giving something you were going to toss new life and making some cash! Yes donating is always the better choice, but this way you're helping yourself financially too!
2. Exchange your old bottles for change, look up a place to do this in your neighborhood, some grocery stores have those machines. This is a great project for kids too, let them keep the coins and they'll learn multiple lessons about waste, recycling and earning money.
3. Got a gift to give? Bake instead!
4. Have cocktail night at your place instead of going out, make organic vodka cosmos for your friends and enjoy the drinks barefoot!
5. Buy your books from used bookstores, and donate back to them! Books are one of those easy to justify costs I think, but if you can reduce the cost of books, read used copies, you're saving green and paper!
Oprah Talks Animal Factories

There is a proposition up for vote in California, Proposition 2 to be exact. Prop 2 is going to give animals a more humane life, which is the least we can do! The details include allowing more space for animals to stand, lie down and spread their wings (if they have wings of course!). Here's a great site for more details: you live in California please vote YES on prop 2!!!!
Here's a link to the Oprah website where you can read more details and see photos (and possible video) of the show:
I am trying to find video of the show to share with you, if anyone finds it, let me know!!
Eco-Mama: Buy/Sell/Trade

this is a short one, a "daily" as Lindsay calls em!
What's a great way to de-clutter and eliminate objects? start! Consider swapping your clothing. Look for buy/sell/trade stores...swap your nice but not so favorite clothes for some newer ones.
I know this is not for everyone. Some people get the heebie jeebies when thinking about used clothing. can always sell and use the cash to go out to a well deserved brunch afterwards! For those who see it as a great way to save $, go ahead, get yourself something "new". Eliminate from the cycle of clothing production...get diggin in your closet. Its a fantastic way to get rid of the "never worn," the "maybe I'll wear someday," the "I only wore once" pile. You'll get more for your $ when you sell never worn or once worn items, and you'll be honest with yourself in the meantime!
This past weekend I pulled together a bag of 5 pairs shoes and about 10 shirts and headed out with Siena. I wanted to eliminate from my closet so that I could add a few necessities to her closet. I used the $ I earned from my sell to go to another used/new children's store and purchase her some much needed winter clothes! It felt quite satisfying. I really was excited over the items I found for her. Most the time they are barely worn, esp with kids, they grow so fast that the clothes sold to these stores are really new.
Siena had a great time in the bouncy swing seat thing in the store while I sat next to her browsing through bins of shoes, hats and tights. Now talk about a good mom and daughter shopping excursion! In celebration of her 6 month "birthday". can always be super selfless and donate your clothing to your local church, salvation army or clothing collection bin. There are even more people these days in need. Help them, and help yourself become less attached to material goods that you don't really need.

Need I say more? what do you think the total retail cost would be if bought new? maybe $125 at a low estimate.
As always,
your Brooklyn Eco Mama
Eco-Event: Organic Bouquet Giveaway

If you purchase 12 long stem roses, you'll get 12 for free! Make someone's day and support organically grown, veriflora certified (see earlier posts in this blog for more details on the importance of veriflora certified flowers)
Fair Trade Awareness Month

Fair Trade is a market-based system which aims to promote stability in the market for emerging developing nations by ensuring workers receive fair pay, good work environment standards. In addition Fair Trade ensures social and environmental responsibilities, with emphasis on sustainability.
"Fair Trade is a trading partnership, based on dialogue, transparency and respect, that seeks greater equity in international trade. It contributes to sustainable development by offering better trading conditions to, and securing the rights of, marginalized producers and workers – especially in the South. Fair Trade Organizations, backed by consumers, are engaged actively in supporting producers, awareness raising and in campaigning for changes in the rules and practice of conventional international trade. Fair Trade products are produced and traded in accordance with these principles — wherever possible verified by credible, independent assurance systems." (Source: ^ European Fair Trade Association. (2006).
Fair Trade goods are becoming more and more readily available, which is great. Here are some ways to support the movement:
*Ben & Jerry's: Vanilla, Chocolate, Coffee or Coffee Heath Crunch Bar
*Dunkin Donuts: Iced Coffee or Iced Espresso
*Starbucks: Cafe Estima Blend
*Peet's Coffee & Tea: Ask for the Fair Trade Blend
In addition to those treats, you can purchase fair trade food, drink and handicrafts at Target, Wal-Mart, Safeway, Stop n Shop, Costco, Sam's Club, Trader Joe's and of course Whole Foods. Please comment here with any additional places you've found your favorite Fair Trade Items.
Spread the word!
Eco-Mama #6: The End of Plastic?

I wanted to share an end of month update on my September plastic strike. It didn't go so well. Or at least not as well as I hoped. What it did in fact do, was raise my awareness. It made me feel and think about plastic and the items packaged in plastic in such a way that I contemplate purchases more deeply than ever. This is a great start in de-plasticizing my life!
I ended up purchasing items at food stores that were wrapped and sealed in plastic. I couldn't quite avoid it. I am continuously searching for ways to not include those in my cart...
One doesn't need to obsess over it, but, I have listed some ways to simply cut a few items out of your home.
-calculator: we all have cell phones right?! Well, use the calculator on it instead of purchasing one. I was extremely chagrined last week when for the 3rd time in the past 2 months I have had to purchase a calculator for work. Between the General Store (coffee shop that I manage) and the wait staff in the restaurant...either mine in the office goes missing or they complain theirs doesn't work. sigh...
-pens: hoard yours! guard it with might and main! Or go old school and buy a nice pen with ink cartridges...or use a pencil. Think of a forest...its full of dead sticks and imagine little plastic ball point pens taking the place of all those sticks! that should be installation art, not the sight of our impact on the environment.
-plastic shopping bags: I mentioned this one before. Since there are so many companies and stores that offer re-usable eco- totes, get with it and buy one! and never accept a plastic shopping bag at a store again. the point of them is so pointless sometimes. You take a bag with your purchase, chances are you walk about 5 blocks, or drive a few miles in your car, and remove purchased item and throw out the bag. Now, what was the point of accepting that bag?
-toilet paper: I almost cracked up to myself when I thought about this one. I purchase my toilet paper on demand at my local dollar store. I don't accept a bag when I buy it. You know what the best part is? Its not wrapped in plastic! I am purchasing one roll at a time, cause they are just sitting there all alone one by one, 79 cents each, not wrapped in anything except for paper. The best sight is me, walking down the street with nothing in my hands except for a roll of t.p. hey whatever, its about 100 yards from my house. If you have the option of a 4 pack or 12 pack, go with the twelve pack, more for your $ and less plastic wrapping. (?)
-tomato sauce: I buy Classico, always have. Best part about it is that it comes in a square-ish mason jar! Save and re-use just by purchasing a new lid if necessary at your local kitchen supply store. Now that eliminates a few plastic food storage containers. And what's more classic than a mason jar in an American home?
-water bottles: invest in a SIGG or similar type water bottle today! They look really cool, they are lightweight and so functional. And, the options in colors and patterns they have for kids are so fun I can't wait to purchase one for Siena!! $20 goes a loooong way when invested into one of their many colored options! I got myself a standard 20oz silver one, and am so satisfied with it, I have to spread the word.
-mail: we can't always stop junk mail, but seriously consider signing up for online billing for some of your main bills such as phone, gas, electric, internet/cable. The envelopes used to mail the bills in have little windows...made of clear plastic. how hard is it to recycle a paper envelope that has that window in it? my guess is pretty hard.
Ok, that's my daily special folks!
all the best til next time
your Brooklyn Eco Mama,
Save Some Green: 5 ways

Here are my first set of 5 ways to save some 'green'
1. Unplug your appliances, you're bills WILL go down, this isn't rocket science! Write a post it, keep it on the front door so you don't forget to unplug before you leave. There's no need to have your toaster plugged in unless you are toasting!
2. Stay home tonight and rent a movie (in fact, stop buying movies, rent instead)
3. Cook at home more often, make a pact to make a few more meals at home. You'll save money as well as waste (containers from takeout end up making mounds in landfills)
4. Shop this weekend for your own travel mug (if you don't have one already of course) and bring your own coffee to work.
5. Invest in a drying rack, save cash on the dryer and save energy/electricity. Target sells some, although I found sustainable wood versions at:
Bright Green Ideas Check back tomorrow for more ideas to love! Have your own, let me know! (Image:
How Dare She!
Daily Eco
Obama Hearts The Environment: Rural Plan Details

*Obama's Rural Plan proclaims that he will ensure that farm programs are strong and specifically targeted to support family farmers. He will close loopholes which have been allowing "mega farms" from getting around laws and skirting requirements.
*Obama will regulate CAFOs (Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations) which feed and raise more than 40% of US livestock. He will set tougher air and water pollutions laws for livestock operation. In addition, he sees the future of organics, and will aid local and small farms getting their organic certification. He realizes grass fed is better! Ya!
*Obama supports small farms using wind and solar power as well as biodigesters (which uses animal waste to power the farms)
*Obama will support and emphasize the eating of fresh & local foods!
There is so much more to read on the Rural Plan but I wanted to bring you some key important points to give you an idea of the president we will have in Barak Obama. So take a moment and read the rest of this plan, it includes renewable energy and biofuels.
The website Grist has more great information including interviews, video clips of speeches/rallies, past records relating to the environmental positions of the candidates. I've summarized Obama's below:
Click here for the Obama info page:
Obama Key Environmental Points:
*Calls to cut carbon emissions by 2050 to be 80 below 1990 levels
*Wants to create a cap-and-trade system by which carbon dioxide polluters have to pay via auction to pollute, thus holding polluters accountable. With that money (an estimated $30-50 billion a year) he would support developing clean technology and the creation of green jobs.
*Calls for 25% of US electricity to come from renewable sources
*Calls for all new buildings to be carbon neutral by 2030
*Calls for US reduction of oil consumption by at least 35%
*Supports phasing out incandescent light bulbs by 2014
Obama Hearts The Environment

The Obama camp is holding an environmental rally in California today, the first major carbon neutral and zero waste event! Organic food and drink will be served while participants will listen to musical acts and listen to speakers including Natalie Portman. The highlight of the day will be non other than Hillary Clinton herself, speaking about how Obama is the environmental choice, all the way! I wish I could be there!
Check out the event site and find the link to donate:
Palin Pro Shooting Wolves, Seriously!
If you didn't already know this bit of Palin information, get ready...She SUPPORTS shooting animals from low flying planes. This couldn't get sicker. Check out this anti-Palin ad running which attacks her for this very issue, it's gaining traction and raising money. Glad to see some folks out there don't condone the shooting of innocent wolves from damn airplanes, how do you feel on this subject??
Thanks Ecorazzi for continuing to serve it up!
Thanks Ecorazzi for continuing to serve it up!
Please register to VOTE! If you haven't already seen this great video, check it out here for a little inspiration...
Fall Has Arrived
October: Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Organic Bouquet is supporting October's Breast Cancer Awareness month by donating 10% of all purchases to or The Breast Cancer Fund. All of Organic Bouquets flowers/plants are Veriflora certified, which is so important! I blogged a long time ago about the environmental impact flower growing has, click on 'Flowers' in my labels to find the article 'Fleurs For Your Sweetie', or just click here to learn more, or refresh your memory!
If you have someone in your life you'd like to surprise with fresh, organic, socially and environmentally responsible flowers, now is the time!
Kiehl's & Brad Pitt Serve It Up Right

*100% biodegradable
*100% post-consumer recycled bottle
*No parabens, SLS (sodium lauryl sulfate) or dyes
*Cradle to Cradle certified (has reached the criteria which assesses the environmental and human effects of products based on the following: 1.The product has minimal-negative environmental impact 2. Product packaging has been approved for recycling or composting 3. Product is made/manufactured using renewable energy & socially responsible uses of water)
Not only is
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