*Spending the day outside of course, enjoying the sunshine!
*Turning off all lights as I leave rooms, even if I am coming back soon
*As I take out the garbage in the house, make sure I didn't toss any recyclables in the wrong place (ie, paper trash throughout the house, I pull out to recycle)
*Made Juliette her breakfast with a banana that would otherwise need to be tossed in a day or so (we are leaving town tonight for the weekend, so it's important to use what will go bad before we leave) instead of pulling out something fresh
*Added to my clothes donation pile instead of adding it to the trash pile when cleaning out my closet
*Made sure I have my reusable Aladdin BPA free jug for iced coffee on the go & a small Earth Lust bottle of water so I don't end up purchasing a plastic one.
What are you going to do for the earth today?
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30% off Some Lovely

Awhile back I posted a beautiful black eco-tote with sparrows on it, well my amazing parents surprised me with it! It's now my go to bag everyday. I rock both sides, the sparrows and message side (message side says: With Love and Respect For The Earth). Daily Candy included them in their weekly deals, so get over there and use this code: ALENA30 for 30% off all of her wares. Including this lovely print!

Click here to go straight to the Alena Hennesy site
Lovely Canvas Totes

I have a bit of a collection of cotton canvas totes. It's sort of an obsession my husband will confirm I'm sure. I really can't be adding to my collection at this time, but you can!
Where to buy:
French Grocery Tote
Arrow Bag
Oui Oui Tote
Paris Maptote
She Sells Sea Shells....

Jamie Oliver is a strong advocate for eating REAL food and also has a knack for packaging aparently...love this!
What Did You Do For The Earth Today?
Here's what I did:
Said "NO!" to shopping bags at 2 stores and opted to fit the items in my large canvas tote.
Brought my own reusable bottle for my iced coffee and came home to use my own grass-fed organic small farm milk
I made Juliette's breakfast, lunch and dinner (pears & bananas) out of all organic fruits of course and stored it in a re-purposed jar.
I made sure things were unplugged like the coffee machine & toaster after I used them
I kept the lights off most of the day even when I was hope, instead opting for opening the curtains and letting in natural light
What did YOU do?
Said "NO!" to shopping bags at 2 stores and opted to fit the items in my large canvas tote.
Brought my own reusable bottle for my iced coffee and came home to use my own grass-fed organic small farm milk
I made Juliette's breakfast, lunch and dinner (pears & bananas) out of all organic fruits of course and stored it in a re-purposed jar.
I made sure things were unplugged like the coffee machine & toaster after I used them
I kept the lights off most of the day even when I was hope, instead opting for opening the curtains and letting in natural light
What did YOU do?
25% off at GreenBambino
Treat your little one to some organic and natural goodies at 25% off. They care some of my favorite brands, MiYim, Cleanwell and California Baby!
Enter code earthhasworth through May 24th for 25% off. Click here to go to site!
Enter code earthhasworth through May 24th for 25% off. Click here to go to site!
Earth Day Giving

By all means, this holiday should be one with no material connection. But...if you are a giver like me and love finding that perfect something for your dear family and friends you'll love this as much as I do. The Green Depot Natural Solutions Cleaning Kit! If you've got that friend who's into all things au natural this will surely brighten her Earth Day!
Not overly expensive either and comes with just about all you'll need to keep your casa in lovely shape.
Click to buy!
Happy Earth Day!

To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the first Earth Day there are many ways you can celebrate. Companies all over the world are getting into the act themselves and here are some happenings, sales and fun ideas for you to get into the earthy vibe yourself.
-Send out free (and paperless) Earth Day cards tomorrow with free e-cards from The World Wildlife Fund. Click here
-Drugstore.com is offering up to 40% of in their 'green & natural' store. Click to find out more
-Earth 911 put together a global look at some Earth Day events that are a must check out. Click here
-Shop Kiehl's! They support lots of great causes, like the Rainforest Alliance!
-Super cute video about how Earth Day can be a holiday for ALL! Here
-The Green Depot is an amazing spot to stock up on all of your earth friendly houseware needs (including cleaning products, paints, baby items and lots more). To celebrate Earth Day they're offering 15% off when you spend $75, 25% off when you spend $100 and 30% when you spend $150 or more. No time to waste getting all that's on your list! Only have a few things you need? Ask a few friends if you can go in on it together to get the discount...oh I've got tons of great ideas
Where will I be?
Checking out the Earth Day events in Greenpoint of course! Gotta stay local! Check out the NY parks website for more info on the MacCarren Park event. by clicking here, followed by a dinner out with the hubs where we'll be dining on grass-fed burgers and fresh cocktails. Yum!
Celebrate Earth Day with Free Shipping from Mrs. Meyer's

In honor of Earth Day tomorrow the lovely Mrs.Meyer's is offering free shipping, so it's time to stock up on all of your favs, maybe it's even time to try something new! Click Here!
What Mrs. Meyer's products do I use?
*Lavender dish soap
*Lavender shower cleaner
*Geranium powder Cleaner
*Lavender candles
*Window Cleaner
Josie Maran Cosmetics

Supermodel Josie Maran knows a thing or two about beauty. What you didn't know is she's a earth girl at heart and has created a lovely line of cosmetics with both your looks and the earth in mind. She worked hard to keep toxic chemicals such as parabens and petrochemicals out of her entire line. The result, beautiful makeup for face, eyes, lips and cheeks. My favorite are the makeup palattes that contain powders for both eyes and cheeks! One stop shopping. Ladies, it's time to clean out your makeup bag and pick up a few new shades! Click here or head to your local Sephora!
The Bees Knees

Finally got those toes buffed and painted? Time to show them off, and what better way to do so than with eco friendly sandals. These puppies from Green Bees are made from discarded tires (the soles). Pretty neat.
Check out their site for more info and more shoes!
Preserve (The Earth)

I've been using Preserve toothbrushes for years, and like a good little eco-minded girl, I've sent them back to the company for recycling. It's easy, you just print their prepaid mailer label and slap it on any mailer you have lying around. Problem? Sometimes you don't have one lying around. Solution? Yes! Preserve just announced their toothbrushes will be sold in mailer pouches you can save and send. Could that get any easier?
Upon Having a Baby
A friend of mine recently wrote an article entitled something like 'Having a baby isn't eco-friendly'. I totally agree! But, I have found ways to stay true to my eco-minded beliefs.
When you have a baby, you learn that things are always messy and you are always cleaning up. Whether it's diapers or wipes or the many paper towels you go through. Your always trying desperately to keep that little muffin of yours looking their cleanest. I debated cloth diapers, only to discover the trade off isn't always as eco-friendly as you may think. I looked into the disposable-cloth hybrids and quickly shot that idea down when I saw the price per unit! There are some things I just can't afford. And I'm not going to let the guilt weigh me down every day. What I can do is keep up with what I can do. Here are some ways I DO stay eco-minded with my little Juliette.
*I support many organic and eco-minded companies such as, Seventh Generation, Earth's Best, Alba Organics, California Baby, Little Twig, Kate Quinn, Gerber Organics, Small Changes by Kee Ka, Kee Ka, Babyganics and more.
*I make Juliette's baby food, which cuts down on not only my costs, but in fuel costs, manufacturing costs (all those containers). I stick to organic ingredients (some things I'm not willing to compromise on). On occasion I've given into time constraints and given her Earth's Best Organics baby food, saving the jars to fill with my own concoctions later of course!
*I buy Juliette lots and lots of toys made from wood! Also, organic fabrics. She loves her MiYim toys and wood rattles.
*I am a huge purveyor of used goods, I support 2 local buy/trade/sell baby stores and have happily accepted many hand me downs. I also have given hand me downs to those having babies and am storing Juliette's clothes for another baby someday. The more babies that can use each item of clothing, toy or baby gear the better. It's a pass it on theory and it makes me happy! I love having her wear something that had another life, brought another baby happiness or was part of a baby's room.
As Juliette gets older I'll be taking her to the farmer's markets each weekend to pick out our week's goods, introducing her to each vendor and teaching her about the origin of each item. I want her to know that strawberries are not a winter fruit and that sweet potato was her first food! I can't wait! I am not going to hide vegetables in her food, I want her to learn to love them. I want her to play in the dirt, get messy and above all have fun. I can be clean up patrol, that's my job!
Image: Juliette 7 months on a trip to Kent, CT
Pin Me Pretty
We all need something pretty and special to help keep us on the green path. Here's one that would make my piles of hand washing a little brighter!

Where to buy? Click here!

Where to buy? Click here!
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