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A friend recently went out of town and asked if I wanted her weekly CSA pickup so long as I volunteered for her shift in the park. I grabbed my Eco-Mama (and her cutiepie eco-baby) and headed to Williamsburg for some community fun & fresh food! Mission accomplished.

It was wonderful to see so many people heading out in the freezing cold temperatures to pick up their farm fresh fruits, vegetables and pastured eggs. The compost collection in a few feet away from the farm stand and boy was it packed. So great to see so many young people interested in taking steps towards a more involved society. Mariah and I split the goods and took turns warming up in nearby Urban Rustic (which supplied me with 2 hot cups of coffee to keep me warm). We had a great time connecting with our neighbors and each other.

Kevin and I cooked up some delicious potatoes and the best roasted carrots we've ever tasted! Next week we plan on using the Sage I scored (I stuck it in the freezer to be used at a later date) to make Sage & Brown Butter fresh pasta. Hmmmm yum.

Here's some pictures of my loot:

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