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Eco Things That Make Me Happy

I've been paying extra attention lately to the eco-choices I see around me and I am happy to report there are many. Here are some of the ways those around me are making changes:

*My bank, Chase no longer uses deposit slips or envelopes! Checks can be deposited directly into the ATM eliminating all that paper waste not to mention time!

*People all around me using their reusable bags and refusing plastic grocery bags!

*Huggies making an organic cotton diaper! While there are of course great eco brands of diapers and cloth options, it's important for large companies to have eco choices because of their wide spread availability.

*Costco selling more and more organic options, we must vote with our wallets and let them know we want to see more and more eco and organic products

What about you, are you seeing anything that's make your eco-happy?

Juliette Rae

Juliette Rae has arrived! Born September 1st at a healthy 10lbs 8 oz. Don't worry I will be blogging again soon, as for now I am spending my time holding, gazing at and adoring Juliette.