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Essential Oils

As we all continue to purify our lives and homes I thought what better time to introduce my readers to the wonders of essential oils and some tips on how to get started transforming from chemicals to pure essential oils

Shopping List:

Tea Tree Oil
Lavender Oil
Lemon Oil

Scuffed Floors: 2-4 drops of tea-tree oil to the scuffed spots. Wipe up with a cloth and rub with distilled vinegar.

Shower Doors: 2-4 drops of lemon oil, wipe directly onto shower door. Will protect from grime buildup.

Windows: Mix 2 ounces of water with 10 drops of lavender oil or lemongrass oil, this will wipe grime off windows.

Toilets: Use an old spray bottle and mix 2 teaspoons tea-tree oil with 2 cups of water. Shake first, then spray along the rim of the toilet. Leave for 30 minutes, then scrub.


1 comment:

GreenLantern said...

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